singing lessons Italy

Find your true voice, gain a solid technique and achieve complete freedom

Holistic vocal solutions is a small voice studio located in the beautiful Italian town of Arezzo. We teach a wide range of students, from complete beginners to advanced students. We also work with non-singers - from actors to attorneys - who are looking to feel more comfortable using their speaking voices.Our premise is that singing should be natural, pain free and a joy: something that brings happiness to you as a singer and to those listening to you. We believe that, sadly, much singing today, whether classical, pop, country or Broadway, sounds forced and unnatural. As a result, both professional and amateur singers often struggle even to get through a simple song or to reach notes that should be easily within their range. We know it doesn’t have to be like that, and we are dedicated to teaching an alternative approach, an approach that restores that wonderful sense of freedom and joy to singing and speaking.

What we offer - for singers and Non-Singers

Lessons are done as private 30 or 60 minute sessions. We offer one-time consultations and regular lessons - both for singers and non-singers alike. The initial consult is free of charge. Occasionally, group lesson workshops are arranged.***Next Masterclass ***
A Breath of Fresh Air - A fresh approach to breathing for all who want to speak and sing with ease.
For information, contact us/Per informazione, contattaci.

Ready To experience Something different?

We do not offer a “quick fix” to vocal problems, but rather a holistic and complete technique. This will provide you with a pain free and easy vocal production that will allow you to express yourself - either in speech or in music.

study singing Tuscany

Our Studio

study singing Tuscany

We are located in the center of Arezzo, Italy. We are a 10 minute walk from the train station - which offers connections to Rome, Florence and many other cities in Italy. Arezzo is a vibrant but manageable city, a wonderful place to study and visit.

professional Experience

voice lessons Italy

We are professionals in the field of vocal music. We have experienced first-hand the disappointment and frustration that can result from singing and speaking incorrectly. Allow us to provide you with tools that will give you security in your voice and your work.

Contact us

Please email us at [email protected] and tell us about yourself.

© Holistic Vocal Solutions.
All rights reserved.